Ski 2023 Update

And they’re off. Pres Bray Ski Trip 2023 is up and running. Wishing all the lads and the teachers the...

Artwork of the week

This weeks Artwork of the week is a stunning composition in flat light of the church at Bray Head by Cathal...

Leinster Senior Schools Competition in the National Aquatic Centre (NAC)

Pres Bray made a serious splash at the Leinster Senior Schools Competition in the NAC over the weekend.   Pictured...


Please see attached to view Pdf-1 Pdf-2

Artworks of the week: 1st and 5th Year

That time of the week again! Our 1st years (Malachy Short and Alan Yang) explore form, light and colour in...


TrendMicro are hosting an online talk on Internet Safety for Parents on Tuesday 7th February.  Please see the attached flyer...

Weekly Planner & Canteen Menu for Week 30th January 2023

Please see attached to view Planner and Canteen Menu for week 30th January 2023 Pdf-1 Pdf-2

Artworks of the Week

Some very proud 2nd years this week, displaying their block prints: Charlie, Eoin and Connor and also Elliot and Malachy....

Jersey Presentation to our Senior Cup Team (SCT)

We had our presentation of Jerseys to the SCT this morning in advance of their Cup Game against Blackrock next...

Information Evening for Parents of Incoming 1st years 2023

Great to see large numbers in the Sports Hall this evening for our Information Evening and nice to see many...