Yesterday after school saw the final of the first Pres Bray Debating Championship and the final debate of the year take place. It has been a hugely successful year for both the Junior and Senior teams, with over twenty lads debating during the year at one stage or another. With training twice a week, each of our speakers went from novices to seasoned speakers in no time.
It was great seeing how far everyone has come in what was a very high quality final which saw 4th Year Adam Hagan and 1st Year Louis Johnson take home the crown arguing about Homelessness in Ireland.
A big congratulations to 5th Year Daniel Nolan for winning Speaker of the Tournament as well.
We are sure that this will be the first of many trophies our debating teams will get their hands on!
A big thanks to Mr Coster for his work throughout the year and for creating such a fun and welcoming environment within the debating club! He also takes very good photos.” alt=”72.png” />” alt=”72.png” />