What is Wellbeing?
Student wellbeing exists when our students “realise their abilities, take care of their physical wellbeing, can cope with the normal stresses of life, have a sense of purpose and belonging to a wider community” (NCCA – Wellbeing).
The key indicators of wellbeing as set out in the revised Junior Cycle Reform Wellbeing Programme are for students to be Active, Responsible, Corrected, Resilient, Respectful and Aware.
In Presentation College, we aspire to provide each student with learning opportunities that improve their mental, physical emotional and social wellbeing.
Currently at both Junior and Senior Cycle, we offer our wellbeing programme through the following subject areas:
- PE
- Religious Education
- Tutor Guidance Class – 1st year only
Wellbeing is also provided through other modules of learning such as study skills session and religious retreat days. It is also embedded in each subject studied by students at Junior Cycle level.
We aim to increase our wellbeing programme provision across 1st to 3rd year from its current 300 hours to 400 hours from September 2022.
Pastoral Care Team
Here in Presentation College we invest considerable time and energy into the emotional needs of all our students. To this end we adopt a “Whole-Staff” approach towards identifying students who may be experiencing difficulties at any given time. Pastoral Care meetings are held weekly involving senior management, the SEN coordinator and our Guidance Counsellor to discuss students who may be in need of specific supports throughout the year.
Our students are also assisted by their Class Tutor who support class groups in mainly a pastoral role. The tutors in turn liaise with the relevant Year Head who supports the wider academic and emotional development of the students.