1st & 2nd Year Wellbeing Afternoon and Sports Activities.

May 17, 2023

Our 1st and 2nd Years enjoyed a glorious day of sunshine yesterday for their much anticipated Wellbeing Afternoon and Sports activities. They had missed out on this during our Wellbeing week due to inclement weather, but their dedicated Year Heads ensured they didn’t miss out!

Students from both 1st and 2nd year took part in wellbeing exercises aimed at educating the students around the benefits of positive mental health. With the upcoming exams it was important that students become aware of the effect that mental health can have on their overall wellbeing and how to manage the effects of exam stress. 

Students sought to develop key wellbeing indicators such as,
Being: Active, Responsible, Connected, Resilient, Respected, and Aware.
These core life skills developed through games such as leadership (responsibility) and teamwork (connectedness) will aid in the students future exams and life long goals. 
Good luck to all of our students in their upcoming exams, and thanks to all the teachers that aided in the running of the activities yesterday.. 


1st & 2nd Year Wellbeing Afternoon and Sports Activities.

Our 1st and 2nd Years enjoyed a glorious day of sunshine yesterday for their much anticipated Wellbeing Afternoon and Sports activities. They had missed out on this during our Wellbeing week due to inclement weather, but their dedicated Year Heads ensured they didn’t miss out!
Students from both 1st and 2nd year took part in wellbeing exercises aimed at educating the students around the benefits of positive mental health. With the upcoming exams it was important that students become aware of the effect that mental health can have on their overall wellbeing and how to manage the effects of exam stress. 
Students sought to develop key wellbeing indicators such as,
Being: Active, Responsible, Connected, Resilient, Respected, and Aware.
These core life skills developed through games such as leadership (responsibility) and teamwork (connectedness) will aid in the students future exams and life long goals. 
Good luck to all of our students in their upcoming exams, and thanks to all the teachers that aided in the running of the activities yesterday..