Spirit of Pres Update – Day 4

November 24, 2022

Spirit of Pres Week draws to a close tomorrow. It has been a hectic week here in the college. Today was our Charity Bake Sale, held in the Sports Hall with all proceeds going to “W.H Five Loaves”. Many thanks to all the bakers and buyers. We also had an excellent team of workers (2nd and 3rd years) on the day, selling goodies, raffle tickets etc. We couldn’t have done it without them. The office (Jenny and Linda) as always helped behind the scenes. We have raised €1,310 so far and really appreciate everyone’s help. Our P.A has also been of immense help this year. Thank You all!

Lorcan Smith of 6th year read our Reflection piece this morning, continuing the theme of “Little things making a difference”.

Unfortunately, due to bad weather, the Tag Rugby game has had to be postponed, but it’s 1-1 in Teachers V Students as we head into the final day, with “Just a Minute” Period 9 tomorrow. 

We are also looking forward to meeting our High Achievers (LC ’22) tomorrow. Awards are to be given to them tomorrow afternoon. Always a joyous occasion!