5th Year Sports Day

May 15, 2023

So sunshine and blue skies prevailed last Friday for our 5th Year Sports Day, organised by 5th Year Head, Mr Savage and his able team of helpers.

The usual standard of competition and good humour was evident throughout the day with 1.2 emerging victorious. James Healy is pictured accepting the Dion Doyle Cup, on behalf of 1.2. We are so glad to be able to remember Dion every 5th Year Sports Day. He is in our thoughts a lot more than that, but nice to give him an extra special mention every May at the 5th Year Sports Day.

Thanks to all those who helped make the Day a big success!


5th Year Sports Day

So sunshine and blue skies prevailed last Friday for our 5th Year Sports Day, organised by 5th Year Head, Mr Savage and his able team of helpers.
The usual standard of competition and good humour was evident throughout the day with 1.2 emerging victorious. James Healy is pictured accepting the Dion Doyle Cup, on behalf of 1.2. We are so glad to be able to remember Dion every 5th Year Sports Day. He is in our thoughts a lot more than that, but nice to give him an extra special mention every May at the 5th Year Sports Day.
Thanks to all those who helped make the Day a big success!